I’ve been doing a lot of wishing lately…
I’ve been wishing that I hadn’t said that, or hadn’t done that, or that I had taken the opportunity when I had a chance…
I’ve been wishing you could understand, wishing you would ask me about it, wishing I could speak boldly and clearly…
I’ve been wishing you would know how much God really loves you, wishing you would know it’s never his will for you to be sick or depressed or for people you love to die…
I’ve been wishing I knew what my next step was, wishing someone else could decide for me, wishing someone would choose me… wishing, wishing, wishing…
But I’m tired of wishing, I hate the word “wish.”
Wishes are for the powerless or hopeless, but we are neither powerless nor hopeless.
It’s time we stopped wishing and started doing.
Will you join me?
If you’d like some help with depression and loneliness as a single woman click here.