Shout Out to my boo for life

Yo yo yo shout out to all my peeps! This post is dedicated to my boo… LOL I know it doesn’t even sound like me…

Well I just wanted to take this time to apologize for not a single post in the past few weeks… **shame face** But you know how that goes sometimes…

The last few weeks have been… wellll… interesting to say the least, and I’m glad to say that things are getting better, we’re still very busy, but things are getting better.

The beautiful thing about this time has been my boo for life, AKA my boyfriend AKA my husband. He has been so supportive, patient and kind throughout the whole thing. My goodness, I never realized that there were such wonderfully kind, generous and selfless people like him out there (outside of my parents of course). I’m just sooo sooo sooo blessed and happy and blessed and lucky and blessed to have a wonderful man like him. God certainly knew what He was doing when he brought us together…

So I just wanted to send a shout out to my boo, for being so wonderful to me, and for showing me what unconditional and selfless love looks like – what a wonderful example of Jesus. Thank you boosky! I truly appreciate you 🙂

And to all my single ladies, let me tell you that God who has done it for me, can definitely do it for you. Just try not to focus on the external, focus on the character… because through it all, it’s the character that will sustain the both of you.

Until next time, Ciao! *ps. I promise to blog more often 🙂

Teddy Bears Robert Fornal via Compfight

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