The world was created through words- In the beginning God spoke, and the world began (Genesis 1)
Similarly, our words create our world! We control our emotions, our thoughts, our life’s destination with our words. Don’t say you have no control, god has given you everything you need (2 Peter 1:3).
When we speak words of life, we speak life, when we speak words of death, we speak death…we choose (Proverbs 18: 21; Deuteronomy 13:19).
Eliminate “I’m tired” from your vocabulary. Eliminate “I don’t feel well.” Eliminate everything but God’s word…
So what then shall you say to these things – what things? things that bother, things that hurt, things that condemn, things that weaken – so what shall we say?
Since God is for me, who can be against me (Romans 8), therefore I rejoice in the goodness of God and claim what Jesus died for me to have – peace, health, wealth, patience, joy, self control…etc. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Use your words wisely – remember that you will give account for every word that you say (Matthew 12:36)