Day 5: What is the difference between posts and pages
So how are you feeling so far? Hope it’s all making sense.
First thing I want to explain to you is that there is a difference between posts and pages.
posts are pretty much for blogs – and they will have the dates attached.
While pages are static, without dates, they can include your “about me” or “contact me” page, and if you’re creating a business site or an online store, then you would mostly use pages.
One of the first pages I would recommend you create is “Home”
once you have the home page, there are so many things that you can do.
To edit the home page, you would edit just like Microsoft word, type in what you want to see.
You can add images or video by clicking the add media button
once you publish your home page you can then go back to customize and click on static front page and make it the home page.
You can also go to your Menu in Appearance, Menu to change what your menu structure looks like- so that you can include your home page in the menu
You would click on create menu, and then name the menu. Although there are several options for Menu – the header, the footer, etc, we will only be focusing on the header menu
Click the pages you want to be included in the header menu and save.
You can also include a custom link in the menu – that would be useful if you wanted to add your social media handles to the WordPress Menu –
So this is what my changed menu looks like
Now that you have the site of your dreams, what else can you do with WordPress and how can you make money from this knowledge?
That’s what we’ll be talking about next.
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