Virtual Summits can be confusing for some people, but when you talk about some of the benefits of participating in the virtual summit, then you will see their eyes light up.
Speaking at Social Media Week was so much fun, I met so many people, and I could tell that I was making a difference – that’s what makes life meaningful after all.
I learned so many things, and I want to share a few of them with you.
The first thing I learned is that there will be three types of people that attend your event:
- – People who need what you’re offering – Whatever solution you are providing they are interested in that, so you need to make sure that what you’re providing is actually giving them that solution.
- – People who like you – these people may not need what you’re offering, but they are interested in you, they want to support you, they want to learn from you. You want to provide some time for them as well, so they can get the fullness of your awesomeness.
- – People who want to know if you really know what you’re talking about – Well there are two different categories of people like this – some may want to know more about you so they can work with you in the future, others may want to look for a way to tarnish your image…be prepared, be prepared, be prepared.
So during my talk I tried to make sure that I was helping to meet the needs of the different groups of people that were there.
And this applies to when you are promoting your virtual summit – know that there will be three groups of people in attendance, so prepare for these groups of people.
The other thing I learned is that Virtual Summits can be confusing, so be prepared to explain what exactly it is and why people need to participate in it.
Now one thing I did was although my talk was about virtual summits, it wasn’t about virtual summits…I know it’s a bit confusing right?
Want to know more about what I mean? I will share with you in part 2 of this blog post
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