(47) Transparency and Opaqueness – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Forty-SevenĀ (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression)

Transparency and Opaqueness

Her: How was your weekend?

Me: It was good. I spent some time with my family, which I really enjoyed because I hadn’t seen them in so long. I also got to read this really good book, have you heard of it it’s called… blah blah blah blah blah (5 minutes long)

Me: So how was your weekend

Her: It was good. (silence)

Yes, I know not everyone is as friendly or chatty as I am, but if people open up to you they expect you to open up to them as well. No they don’t want to hear about your miserable childhood or your abusive boyfriend per se, but they want to hear about you. Even if all you did all weekend was lounge on the couch and watched movies, talk about some of the good movies you watched, or some of the bad ones you hated.

Remember life is better when shared!

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