Ambassadors to the Nations 4 |

Princess Ava Jo Foundation

Princess Ava Jo Foundation

Our daughter Lisa has always traveled to the Nations with us to do mission work since she was a child. Now that she is married to BJ Sullivan and they have 2 children of there own (Ava Jo & Judah James), we want the same passion for the nations to be in our grandchildren. We are already taking them to Mexico & Nicaragua at early ages. Our granddaughter, Ava Jo (3 1/2) has always loved dressing up like a princess or dress up clothes she owns. She even wears them to church and school. She also loves princess & Barbie Dolls. One day at home while dressing up like a princess, she told her mother, “I want to give some of my princess dress up clothes  & Barbie dolls to Mexico & Nicaragua so the little girls there can dress up and be a princess too. So Lisa told me what she said and the Lord spoke to my heart to start a
“Princess Ava Jo Foundation” so she could get other little girls here to help her buy & give things to help bless little girls in other countries that are poor; so they could dress up and be a princess too and have princess Barbie Dolls.

*So we want to encourage everyone to collect or buy little girl dress up clothes, shoes, jewelry and Barbie Dolls for the Princess Ava Jo Foundation.(Slightly used items will be accepted)

Lets help make a little girl know precious & special they are to Jesus. They are all God’s little princesses.

*** All contributions to the Ambassador’s Child Sponsorship Program are used to support the children’s needs.  None of the funds are used for administrative costs.