Episode 6: Another Perspective Podcast – Red Flags When Dating

You don’t want to marry into this… Click below to listen In this episode we share some of the advice we wish we had heard when we were single and dating. Love was never supposed to be blind or foolish, but sometimes while we are dating we get distracted by what we want, that we …

Friends, Romans,Countrymen – gave them up | iyasostuff.com

Romans 1 Romans 1: 24 God gave them up to do what they wanted – they followed their hearts and dishonored their bodies. How sad. Everything I do, is based on how I think. So why don’t I trust God sometimes? I sometimes wonder how amazing our bodies would have been if we had trusted …

Wow! They're Married…So They Can Have Sex Now…

And just as the two (man and wife) become one, Christ and the Church also must become one. Marriage is a continuation of our commitment to serve God, to die to our desires and to enjoy the benefits of serving God and others. We must learn to serve, love and care for, our spouses even better than we care for the lost (unconditionally)! Marriage is an honorable thing (Hebrews 13:4) and we should look forward to it (if we are called to it), but let us not forget its purpose.