Choosing the right one – The time to manage your man will come, but it's not now

People often talk about meeting the right one, finding the right one, how do you know he’s the right one etc…. the truth is, there is no “right one” out there just waiting for you so they can have a perfect relationship with you – with no issues. There are lots of bad ones, and …

If my hair was long like yours I would do all sorts of things

Ever since I went natural (AKA no relaxers in my hair), I have been getting all sorts of attention. Sometimes the attention is good – comments like “wow! I love your hair,” other times the attention is not so good – questions like “why is your hair so rough?” – AKA “why is your natural …

He said "I will always love you" as he said goodbye – breakup

There are two types of breakups in this world – The girl’s perception of what happened, and the guy’s perception of what happened. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as a mutual breakup. Nope someone always gets hurt, and sometimes it’s the one that’s doing the breaking up. I remember one ex …