Would you marry for Love or for Money? Today we talk about our thoughts on whether we would marry for love or we would marry for money. Some people think that money is the root of all evil, others say that love is the only thing that counts.
Category Archives: Marriage
Episode 7 – Another Perspective podcast – InLaws
Click below to download We got a question from a listener about in-laws… and we decided to talk about it. What’s your perspective on a sister in-law that doesn’t respect your marriage, but asks for favors? In this episode we talk about how you can create boundaries in your life, despite what happens with your …
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The argument free marriage | Fawn Weaver | TEDxPortland
Can you create an argument free marriage? Can you really go without arguing? What do you think? Can you agree to disagree? What is the law of acceleration?
10 Ways to Keep the Romance Alive AFTER Kids – Dating Divas
Romance – I recently read the blog post below, and just had to share… because I know we all want to keep the romance alive ———————– Think of all the couples you know that have kids. Now think of that couple that is still madly in love! The ones that still act like newlyweds even …
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Temptation is always lurking
Temptation is always lurking, looking for access to your heart. You’re the only one that can protect your heart, because there will always be something that you can be discontented about. There will always be someone else out there that seems better in some regard. There will always be something that seems better. There will …
It's all temporary
Sometimes I forget that it’s all temporary. If I had known it would be the last letter or the last phone call I would get from my uncle, maybe I would have cherished it a bit more. If I had known it would be the last time I would hang out with some of my friends, …
17 things I love about my husband
The number 17 has always been a special one for me, my birthday, the day I graduated, and the day I got married. Today is my one year anniversary, and I must say that I feel like the luckiest girl in the world that I get to share life with this man that I call …
What it feels like to be married
so I was reading a blog post the other day about what it feels like to be married, and it was interesting. They talked about fights, shouts, slammed doors, etc. that was interesting to me… My single friends often ask me what it feels like to be married, and it’s hard to explain, because sometimes …
Dem go talk
I was listening to the radio the other day (While stuck in 2 hour traffic) and I heard this hilarious song “Dem go talk” Some of the lines went something like – Wear designer, dem go talk, abi na China, dem go talk… It was so funny to me, and so true. No matter what …
Shout Out to my boo for life
Yo yo yo shout out to all my peeps! This post is dedicated to my boo… LOL I know it doesn’t even sound like me… Well I just wanted to take this time to apologize for not a single post in the past few weeks… **shame face** But you know how that goes sometimes… The …