(52) You'll always need (true) Godly Influence – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

Fifty-two  (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression)

You’ll always need (true ) Godly influence

It was such a strange day!

A few weeks ago I was getting my hair styled at the hair salon. I had a new hairstylist she was really sweet and nice and I was glad she was working on my hair. Many hours later she told me a little bit about her life, the guys she met at church and dated one who said he had 2 kids but actually had 4 or the other who was a youth leader with a purity ring who not only had a pregnancy scare with her but later went on to have a baby with another. And on and on she went….

Later that night I went to a game night at a co-worker’s house. The event started up innocently enough until people (might I add that they were “church-going” people) started gossiping about other co-workers and the sexual innuendos changed to actual sexual talk as the shots continued to flow. While I sat there getting upset with myself for even coming because I knew that one stupid song would be stuck in my head for days, and there were so many important things I could have been doing at that time that I wasn’t…

So I got home that night determined to write in my journal to reminisce a little bit about my college friends and how we would spend hours talking about God, and having innocent game nights, and to remind myself never to put myself in that situation again. I opened the first page of my journal and read some words of advice a good friend of mine (let’s call her “A”) had written in the journal over a year before when she gave it to me.

“The First is to find Godly influence. It seems easy to say but work is full of people with worldly opinions…”

What can I say A seems to always be there saying the right things at the right time, and I thank God for her.

Yeah Life’s not easy. But it’s sooooo worth it!

(Whoa!! The last 7 posts in the series! So what have you liked or disliked?)

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