Then of course we had an amazing time listening to Luci Swindoll and gleaning from her life and knowledge. She talked about how God gave us everything richly to enjoy! And how we’ll never enjoy life if we keep wishing for what we don’t have
Tag Archives: postaweek2011
WOF Sheila Walsh |
The Women of Faith Conference began with Sheila Walsh sharing the whole notion of Peace, and why it was important for us to focus on the Peace that God gives us. She used the woman with the issue of blood to emphasize how important it was for us to follow and seek God. Sooo….how long …
I guess marriage can be tricky |
It’s amazing how many individuals have affairs outside of their marriage. I used to think that these people just took their marriage for granted, and acted stupidly. Now I realize how easy it can be. Follow this link to learn from other people’s mistakes and protect your marriage
57 Ways to Beat Loneliness and Depression 1-57
Here is everything from 1-57 Let me know what you agree with and disagree with 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-57 It has been an absolute pleasure. Be on the look out for the book – which will be very different, and more thorough. for the next few weeks I will be blogging on lessons …
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(57) Kick! Bite! Scream! Fight!: Bully the Bullies – Beat Loneliness | 57 WAys
FIFTY-SEVEN (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness and Depression) Kick! Bite! Scream! Fight!: Bully the Bullies My first year of high school was tough. I was always getting bullied. The kids teased me about my African accent, they teased me about my forehead, they teased me about my skinny legs. Pretty much anything that was beautiful …
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(56) Get more stuff – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
FIFTY-SIX (57 Ways to beat Loneliness & Depression) Get more stuff We all know that getting more stuff makes us happier right. Stuff can make us look hotter, live longer, be more attractive, more popular, more admired… more…more…more… Dave Ramsey has a quote that is one of my favorites: If you’re so shallow that you …
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(52) You'll always need (true) Godly Influence – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
Fifty-two (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) You’ll always need (true ) Godly influence It was such a strange day! A few weeks ago I was getting my hair styled at the hair salon. I had a new hairstylist she was really sweet and nice and I was glad she was working on my hair. …
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(48) You never stop thinking – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
Forty-Eight (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) You never stop thinking The other day I was listening to a podcast about Lays potato chips. Keep in mind that I stopped snacking a few months ago when I learned how snacking messes with our digestive process. But there I was listening to this podcast at 8:24am, …
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Happy 4th of July!
Here in the U.S. 4th of July is when we take the time to celebrate the independence of the United States of America. Yes it’s not perfect here, but it’s better than in many other places. Let us take the time to celebrate, be thankful, and be appreciative that we can live in freedom. So …
(10) Stop having sex – Beat loneliness | 57 Ways
TEN. (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Stop having sex. (if you’re not married) There is nothing on this side of death (so I’m told) that is as pleasurable as sex. It feels great, it makes you feel connected, it relieves stress…it’s an all around good time. The thing about sex is that it …
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