(56) Get more stuff – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways

FIFTY-SIX (57 Ways to beat Loneliness & Depression) Get more stuff We all know that getting more stuff makes us happier right. Stuff can make us look hotter, live longer, be more attractive, more popular, more admired… more…more…more… Dave Ramsey has a quote that is one of my favorites: If you’re so shallow that you …

Go Team Tebow! Go Superbowl!

[digg=http://digg.com/health/Go_Team_Tebow_Go_Superbowl] Well who would have thunk that an Ad encouraging people to make the right choice would cause this much of a stir Tebow’s “interesting” response to the controversy (you be the judge) [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwSVcUaop5U] Tebow just wants to express to all that if his mother had taken the doctor’s advice and gotten an abortion, he …