(17) Focus on good things – Beat loneliness | 57 Ways

SEVENTEEN. (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Focus on good things The thing about life is that it’s so easy to think about all the bad things that have happened to us in the last decade…even though there are so many more good things to think about. We remember the regrets, we remember the …

(9) Stop blaming God – Beat loneliness | 57 Ways

NINE. (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Stop blaming God God is a good God, and he said he will not withhold any good thing from you, and he also said that he who finds a wife finds a good thing… God only wants good things for you. No he does not control whether you …

I remember your goodness

Kevin Dooley via Compfight   Lord I remember your goodness. Through tests in school, where I felt nothing but loss, Through tests of life, when I thought I wouldn’t make it, Lord I remember your goodness. When hearts were broken When hope was lost Lord I remember your goodness. When disappointments abounded When fear held …

Is God a Mobster?

Most of us are familiar with movies like “the godfather” where the godfather protects people for a “price.” The mobsters go around “informing” people of how there has been a rash of burglaries and deaths in the neighborhood, and that for a price the mobsters will make sure that nothing happened to them… The people …

I Declare Today "Saint iyasO Day"

Good News y’all… The sin nature is DEAD!!! We (Christians) are NOT sinners saved by grace, we are NOT daily crucifying the sin nature…We are the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST (1 Corinthians 1:30). As soon as we give our lives to Christ we have a new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17), sin nature is dead and was …

Sexist Bible

From the beginning God made Man- and within man was male and female. They were not separate creatures they were the same creature, just two distinct personalities of the same creature. This is why when two people marry, they become one flesh, just like in the beginning where God saw both personalities but called both of them Adam, because in his sight they were both one, they were both called Adam (not Adam 1 and Adam 2).

"The Good Guy" Parable Explained

If you have not read The Good Guy Parable, read it here. So what do you think about the story? Would you call this guy a “good guy”…I mean everything else he did was good, but you were sure that he would hit you whenever you stopped “paying attention.” Unfortunately too many people think that …